
Berchtold.Lenzin Landschaftsarchitekten

Ersatzneubau Wohnsiedlung Holunderhof

Zürich-Oerlikon, Switzerland, 2018

Für die Baugenossenschaft Röntgenhof waren entlang der lärmbelasteten Regensbergstrasse in Zürich-Oerlikon rund 100 Wohnungen in einem Er...

1moku co.


大阪, Japan, 2018

大阪らしさを追求した結果、このような色んな樹種が入り混じった植栽計画となった。 周辺に緑があまりない地域の中で、充分な緑量を取る事によりランドマークにもなり、また訪れる方を出迎える役目も果たしている。

1moku co.


東京, Japan, 2019

イタリアン&寿司バーのお店。緑の中を入って行く、隠れ家的な植栽を施した。 都会でありながら、特別な気持ちで食事をする上で下界から縁を切る事は大切であり、その役目を前庭で果たした。

1moku co.

太閤園 茶庭

大阪, Japan, 2017

有形文化財の茶室の庭のリノベーション。 茶室が浮かび上がるように水盤を設け、そこに掛かる6メートルの橋石は太閤園を象徴する主庭の池の橋石をモチーフとし、水盤の周辺には紅葉や沙羅などの落葉樹を配した。

1moku co.


福岡, Japan, 2020

筑豊緑地にある旧ホテルを取り壊し、飯塚市役所と協議の上、22000平米の敷地にホテルとグランピング施設を計画し、ホテルの配置もランドスケープ側から決めた。 グランピング施設のコテージやテントはディレクションをし、建築工事まで請負った。 アメリカまで買い付けに行ったエアストリ...


Floating Islands of Sky

Chengdu, China, 2021

DESCRIPTION Floating Islands of Sky -A Cluster of Artificial Islands and Pontoon Bridge In Between of Lake and Sky A special kind of st...

haascookzemmrich STUDIO2050

Musikschule mit Konzerthalle Ventspils

Ventspils, Latvia, 2019

In der lettischen Kultur spielt Musik eine übergeordnete gesellschaftliche Rolle, die der Region ihre jeweilige Identität verleiht. Die n...


La Fontaine Park's Théâtre de Verdure

Montréal, Canada, 2022

The redevelopment of Montreal’s Théâtre de Verdure has enabled the creation of a new and stimulating space, open and accessible to all, t...


Place des Montréalaises

Montréal, Canada

The winning project in the City of Montreal’s International Multidisciplinary Landscape Architecture Competition, Lemay’s concept for the...


Espace 67

Montréal, Canada, 2019

This vast project to upgrade Parc Jean-Drapeau involves the development and enhancement of a natural amphitheatre with the capacity to ho...

1moku co.


兵庫, Japan, 2020


Fortunen Arkitektur

Hestad Chapel Service Building

Hestad, Norway, 2021

The cyclus of water. The site is placed on a spectacular, thin peninsula that almost divides the lake of Viksdalen. The lake is situated ...

Rush\Wright Associates

Carrum Station and Foreshore Precinct

Melbourne, Australia, 2020

The Victorian Government’s Level Crossing Removal Project is overseeing the largest rail infrastructure project in Victoria. It will se...


Masterplan Study Salina Raurica Ost

Pratteln, Switzerland, 2018

Habibeh Madjdabadi Architecture Studio

Multipurpose Complex in Markazi

Markazi, Iran, 2021

70 Peaks Multipurpose Complex in Markazi. The complex, with its 10,000 m2 of the built area is born as a commercial center including res...

asp Landschaftsarchitekten


Cham, Switzerland, 2015

"Manchmal liegt die Qualität der Landschaftsarchitektur weniger in der Architektur, sondern vielmehr in der Landschaft —darin, sie zu beg...

asp Landschaftsarchitekten

Glattverlegung Glattbrugg/Oberglatt

Glattbrugg, Switzerland

Der Flughafen Zürich liegt in einem landschaftlich und gewässerökologisch bedeutsamen Gebiet mit Moorlandschaften und Naturschutzgebieten...


RMIT New Academic Street

Melbourne, Australia, 2018

Built on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. Through a consortia of architects, RMIT has undertaken a significant red...


Bendigo Botanic Gardens, Garden for the Future

Bendigo, Australia, 2018

Built on the land of the Dja Dja Wurrung people. The Bendigo Botanic Gardens’ Garden for the Future is an inspiring and sustainable land...

Arriola & Fiol

Crown Square

Manchester, Great Britain, 2016

We slightly manipulate the perimeter geometry as means of extending boundary and enlarging the Square. The square is defined by the build...

Arriola & Fiol

Urbane Freiräume Quartier Baakenhafen

Hamburg, Germany, 2011

Traditionally the growth of city of Hamburg, and lately in the Hafencity area, took place through the addition of many districts, all hav...

Arriola & Fiol

La Rose de Cherbourg

Paris, France, 2013

Since their construction in the 60s, the Circular Boulevard of La Défense and the traffic elevated junction of La Rose de Cherbourg in Pu...

Arriola & Fiol

Place Sainte Anne

Rennes, France, 2014

The space of the place of Sainte-Anne is now a conurbation area and sub-urban space that is a result of the years of diffe¬rent processes...

Arriola & Fiol

Elbbrücken Hafen City

Hamburg, Germany, 2017

Hamburg has a historical past deeply linked to the sea and in particular to maritime transport. Indeed, Hamburg was and still is one of t...

Arriola & Fiol

Place Perdtemps

Nyon, Switzerland, 2018

1. THE LARGE SCALE Nyon slopes gently down to the lake, crossed by a system of vertical connections following the Jura - Lake or North - ...

Arriola & Fiol

Plazas Temáticas EXPO

Zaragoza, Spain, 2005

Finalist invited international competition Expo Zaragoza 2008 The park is organized according to lines of flows that connect the urban i...

Arriola & Fiol

Piazza Varlungo

Firenze, Italy, 2005

2nd prize international contest ‘Tre piazze per Firenze’ The project consists of the inclusion of architectural design solutions and ur...

asp Landschaftsarchitekten

Wohnbebauung Roy

Oberwinterthur, Switzerland, 2016

Im Umfeld der Wohnsiedlung findet sich ein umfassendes Angebot an öffentlichen Freiräumen: Plätze, Gassen, sorgfältig gestaltete Strassen...

Atelier Heimat

Renovation of Luotuowan Bridge

Baoding, China, 2017

The goal is to cover a space efficiently with the least materials and in the mean time make full use of the limited material resources fr...

Atelier Heimat

Lounge Bridge Renovation

Baoding, China, 2016

The village where the project is located will have the possibility of planning and road adjustment in the future, accordingly, the renov...

Achim Birnbaum

Garten Wohnbebauung Lenzhalde

Stuttgart, Germany, 2020

Gartenanlage mit Eidechsenrefugium in Stuttgart-Nord

Rush\Wright Associates

Victorian Emergency Services Memorial

Melbourne, Australia, 2020

Rush Wright Associates worked in collaboration with CFA, VicSES, City of Melbourne and PTA Landscapes on the Victorian Emergency Services...

C+S Architects

Urban regeneration of Panquin

Tervuren, Belgium, 2020

Since founding their office and their research group at C+S, Carlo Cappai and Maria Alessandra Segantini have been working on several her...

C+S Architects

Piazza del Cinema

Lido di Venezia, Italy, 2019

Piazza del Cinema by C+S Architects In 1857 the construction of the first seaside resort in the island of Lido in Venice was opening a st...

STGK Inc. | studio gen kumagai

JR Yokohama Tower

Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan, 2020

"Finding your place at Yokohama station" JR Yokohama Tower is part of a reconstruction project and the landmark structure for the west e...

Metron AG

Gesamterneuerung Spielplatz Tscharnergut

Bern, Switzerland, 2017

In engem Austausch mit der Quartierbevölkerung wird der rund 50-jährige Spielplatz in der denkmalgeschützten Grossüberbauung Tscharnergut...

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