
on 2017/08/23

Spying on Moscow is a new "winged guide" by photographer Denis Esakov and author Karina Diemer that portrays Russia's largest city from above to reveal the "fifth façades" of its important buildings. Denis Esakov, Karina Diemer

on 2017/05/22

El Helicoide de la Roca Tarpeya, a spiraling mall designed by Venezuelan architect Jorge Romero Gutiérrez in the late 1950s, is the subject of an exhibition and forthcoming book that trace its evolution into a current-day prison. World-Architects attended a tour by... John Hill

on 2017/05/08

Twenty years after the "Bilbao effect" was created with the opening of Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, the time appears to be ripe for books critiquing the plethora of architectural icons, the popularity of celebrity architects, and the changing face of cities... John Hill

on 2017/04/05

From CAD to BIM, 3D printing, and virtual reality, technology's influence upon architectural production is pervasive and increasingly rapid. Much talk of the next big thing focuses on generative design. But what is it and how will it impact architects? Marc K. Howe spoke with Danil Nagy... Marc K. Howe

on 2017/04/03

Over five days we battled our way through the ISH trade fair jungle and found much to be stimulated by. Along with the digitalization of buildings, the sanitary and heating sector is increasingly changing – and is looking for answers to the questions of our time. Our review of the trade fair. Thomas Geuder

on 2017/03/07

On March 1st, the world of architecture celebrated RCR Arquitectes when it was announced the studio's founders, Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta, are the Jaume Prat

on 2017/03/06

The Architect's Studio: Wang Shu - Amateur Architecture Studio is on display at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark until 30 April 2017. The exhibition is the first in the museum's new series of... Christian Schittich

on 2016/12/16

For our last Insight feature of 2016, World-Architects looks back – month-by-month and week-by-week – at the most important headlines, projects, competitions, features and products we... John Hill

on 2016/12/02

As the year draws to a close we're presenting a selection of monographs on World-Architects member firms. Like last year's list, this baker's dozen illustrates that the architectural... John Hill

on 2016/11/03

Pierre Chareau: Modern Architecture and Design opens tomorrow at The Jewish Museum in New York. Billed as "the first U.S. exhibition devoted to [the] visionary French designer and architect," the show is notable as well for its technological design by the architecture studio... John Hill

on 2016/10/12

Housing Cairo: The Informal Response, edited by Marc Angélil and Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, was published earlier this year by Berlin-based publisher Ruby Press. Recently it won a Fiona Shipwright

on 2016/10/03

Earlier this year World-Architects met with Zurich-based interior designer Karsten Schmidt, an expert in the world of hospitality. We got a tour of one of his recent projects, the John Hill

on 2016/09/22

Baubotanik, “Living Plant Construction,” is an artificial word – composed of the German words “Bau” (construction) and “Botanik” (botany) – and a method of constructing living buildings with living plants. We spoke with Ferdinand Ludwig, who has... Katinka Corts

on 2016/09/09

Sunday marks the 15th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. To track progress on the rebuilding efforts, we present 15 pieces – built and in-progress – on the 16-acre site. John Hill

on 2016/06/24

Three years after a 2013 visit to the Office for Metropolitan Architecture's (OMA) New York office to speak with partner Shohei Shigematsu, World-Architects editor John Hill returned to 180... John Hill

on 2016/05/18

One of the highlights of the Vectorworks Design Summit that took place in Chicago from April 25th to 27th was a talk by Simonetta Cenci, partner at 5+1AA Architectures: "Architectural Competitions: From Sketch to BIM." John Hill

on 2016/05/10

As part of the Vectorworks Design Summit that took place in Chicago from April 25th to 27th, Kyle Fiddelke, Principal at The Office of James Burnett (OJB), presented "Integrating Technology while Designing for the Public," focusing on the nearby Park at Lakeshore East. John Hill

on 2016/05/02

Last week Eva Franch i Gilabert, Chief Curator and Executive Director of the Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York, gave the keynote address at the Vectorworks Design... John Hill

on 2016/03/21

A Japanese Constellation: Toyo Ito, SANAA, and Beyond opened to the public at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) on Sunday, March 13, running until Monday, July 4. World-Architects visited the exhibition to file this review. John Hill

on 2016/02/19

Andreas Schulz ranks among the leading masterminds in the field of lighting design. Prior to the upcoming Light+Building trade fair, we asked him for a short interview on the developments and changes in his industry. A practice-oriented conversation. Thomas Geuder

on 2016/02/03

The extension to the Swiss National Museum in Zurich has been completed. At the end of last month the new wing, of exposed concrete, was opened for viewing for the first time. Jenny Keller

on 2016/01/25

What does the selection of Alejandro Aravena as the 2016 Pritzker Architecture Prize laureate mean for the future of "architecture's Nobel"? World-Architects ponders the question and offers a handful of nominations for future Pritzker Prize juries to consider. John Hill

on 2015/12/14

For our last Insight feature of 2015, World-Architects looks back – month-by-month, and week-by-week – at some of the headlines, projects, competitions, features and products of the last year, while we glance ahead to some projects slated for completion in 2016. John Hill

on 2015/12/07

In Ulf Meyer's previous article, "Architecture of a Thousand Pinpricks," the tone was deliberately polemical. So does Germany really have reason to envy other countries... Ulf Meyer

on 2015/10/26

It's the last half of 2015 and the monograph – long bemoaned to be on the way out – is alive and well, as witnessed by these dozen recently published (or soon-to-be-published) monographs on World-Architects member firms.   John Hill

on 2015/10/12

The inaugural Chicago Architecture Biennial opened to the public on 3 October 2015, running until 3 January 2016. Under the direction of curators Joseph Grima and Sarah Herda, the Biennial takes a look at "The State of the Art of Architecture" through more than 100 participating... John Hill

on 2015/09/28

To parse just what it is that creates the distinctive architecture of Barcelona and the Catalan region, architect and Cities Connection Project co-director Xavier Bustos presents three snapshots in three categories of architectural production: education, cultural initiatives, and awards. Xavier Bustos

on 2015/08/31

With last week's announcement of the international search for an architect to design the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago, we take a look at 20 libraries designed by World-Architects member firms since 2004, the year of the striking Clinton Presidential Library designed by ennead architects. John Hill

on 2015/08/17

At World-Architects we are big fans of art with an architectural twist, so we decided to focus on some artists who look to architecture and building as subjects for their paintings, sculptures, photographs, installations and films. John Hill

on 2015/06/08

The London Festival of Architecture takes place throughout the month of June under the theme Work in Progress. We highlight ten of the installations, exhibitions, and events happening as part of the LFA. John Hill

on 2015/05/11

The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, wants a green bridge crossing the Thames. Critics point out that the Garden Bridge would not be a public space. The fact that state funds are nevertheless channelled into its construction and maintenance has prompted them to take this case to court. Oliver Pohlisch

on 2015/04/27

The State of the Art in Architecture is the theme of the inaugural Chicago Architecture Biennial, which gets underway in just over five months. To get a sense of the state of architecture in the city, we take a look at 15 buildings from the last 15 years. John Hill

on 2015/04/13

Gender equality in architecture has been an increasing concern in recent years, most overtly since Denise Scott Brown called for a retroactive Pritzker Prize in 2013. To get some impressions on the current state of women in the architecture profession, we surveyed eleven women-owned,... John Hill

on 2015/03/27

Early in March, architect Frei Otto died at the age of 89. He was announced posthumously as the winner of the 2015 Pritzker Architecture Prize – only the second German architect, after Gottfried Böhm, to receive this honor. Ulf Meyer looks back at the life of a visionary. Ulf Meyer

on 2015/03/02

World-Architects recently visited the Princeton, New Jersey, office of ikon.5 architects to speak with partners Joseph Tattoni, Arvind Tikku and Charles Maira about the firm's background and their working process, and to look at some new projects. John Hill

on 2015/02/02

Bjarke Ingels Group has followed up last year's successful BIG Maze at the National Building Museum by ringing the building's atrium with 60 of their projects to take visitors on "an odyssey of architectural adaptation" from hot to cold climates. John Hill

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