
on 2021/02/01

Area of a three-level home on Greece's Serifos Island that was carved into a rocky slope to protect its residents from strong northerly winds:... René Ammann

on 2021/01/11

Average distance a Londoner who left the city last year travels to their new home: 41 miles (66 km) René Ammann

on 2021/01/04

Share of 826 apartments sold in the new Qiyi City Forest Gardens in Chengdu, China, that are inhabited: 10 René Ammann

on 2020/12/14

Share of United States workers who are employed in an occupation where exposure to COVID-19 occurs at least once per month: 18.4% René Ammann

on 2020/11/29

Additionally monthly maintenance cost per tenant for three gardeners to trim the 20,000... René Ammann

on 2020/11/23

Number of beds for elderly residents in the micro nursing homes built by the nonprofit Green House... René Ammann

on 2020/11/01

Amount Brad Pitt's Make It Right Foundation has to pay to demolish an affordable $130,000 home built after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, Louisiana, due to René Ammann

on 2020/10/26

Share of US residents — of every age, sex, race and class category — who prefer Classical over Modern architecture, according to a recent... René Ammann

on 2020/10/11

Estimated share of people over 45 currently living in London who say they expect to move somewhere outside of Greater London the next time... René Ammann

on 2020/10/05

Share of the 70,000 or so villages in Shandong, China’s second-most-populous province with more than 100 million people, that will be René Ammann

on 2020/09/26

Share of embodied carbon cut by not installing a suspended ceiling in an office building, according to the UK Green Building... René Ammann

on 2020/09/21

Price of a container home built in Puerto Rico that includes two bedrooms, a bathroom, kitchen cabinets, security windows and... René Ammann

on 2020/09/07

Height of Vista Tower in Chicago, which includes 406 ultra-luxury residences over a 191-room five... René Ammann

on 2020/08/31

Estimated share of research on the impacts of climate change on world heritage sites that is related to Africa: 1% René Ammann

on 2020/08/20

Number of Stirling Prize winning architects backing a campaign to save and retrofit old energy-hungry buildings rather than replacing them with new well-insulated buildings, in an effort to fight... René Ammann

on 2020/05/11

Surface of a new urban lagoon, whose levels change with dry and rainy seasons, created on the ruins of an unused shopping mall in the center of Tainan Spring, Taiwan: 54,600 m² René Ammann

on 2020/04/06

Estimated drop in real estate showings in North America from early March 2020 to now: 75% René Ammann

on 2020/03/29

Number of beds for patients with Covid-19 that New York City's largest convention center,... René Ammann

on 2020/02/24

Estimated decline in properties sold in the 30 biggest Chinese cities during the week... René Ammann

on 2020/02/10

Total cost, as of January, for the United States to build more than 450 miles of border wall at the U.S.-Mexico border by the end... René Ammann

on 2020/01/29

Number of temporary hospitals China is building in less than two weeks in the town of Wuhan to treat thousands of patients infected with the coronavirus: 2 René Ammann

on 2019/12/09

Time it takes to walk between any two places inside the Pentagon, the world’s largest office building, outside Washington, DC, to enable rapid... René Ammann

on 2019/12/01

Estimated amount activists need to restore the architectural value of Tarilka, or "Flying Saucer," a concert hall built in 1971 and René Ammann

on 2019/11/17

Estimated share buildings contribute to global greenhouse gas emissions: 40% René Ammann

on 2019/11/01

Average decline in price when a residential property in Hong Kong is thought to be "haunted" by a former inhabitant who died from an accident, murder or suicide: 20% René Ammann

on 2019/10/21

Distance that Vancouver House, a concave condo tower of 60 floors designed by BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group in Vancouver, British Columbia, René Ammann

on 2019/09/02

Share of land on Colombia's Pacific coast – 14.8 million acres, larger than Croatia – that has been communally owned since 1993 to benefit the region’s mainly Afro-Colombian residents: 60% René Ammann

on 2019/08/19

Number of buildings in New York City that sit in flood zones and have a combined worth of $129 billion: 72,000 René Ammann

on 2019/07/15

Number of buildings by Frank Lloyd Wright added to the UNESCO World Heritage sites registry: 8 René Ammann

on 2019/06/03

Amount of money the indigenous Yanacona community sold virtually all its land to the state of Peru for, in order to build a new international airport that may... René Ammann

on 2019/04/19

Number of years the fabled Bauhaus school — founded 100 years ago this month by Walter Gropius — existed, having moved from the German city of Weimar to Dessau and finally to... René Ammann

on 2019/03/15

Estimated time it will take to sell the roughly 8,600 luxury units available in Manhattan at the current selling rate: 6 years René Ammann

on 2019/03/04

Estimated housing deficit in Lagos, Nigeria’s commercial capital and home to 21 million people: 3 million René Ammann

on 2019/01/14

Number of days Walter Chrysler, the founder of Chrysler company who gave the name to the Chrysler Building in New York City put on sale recently, René Ammann

on 2018/11/26

Number of years it took Ahmedabad, an Indian city containing 6 million people, to acquire land for and build a 76-kilometer ring road: 4 years René Ammann

on 2018/10/01

Lifespan of one of the 106 avant-garde houses built by Brad Pitt’s non-profit Make It Right organization in New Orleans that was recently demolished due to shoddy construction: 7 years René Ammann

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