

Amager Incineration Plant

Copenhagen, Denmark

The proposal seeks to create a destination, discussing the waste-to-energy story in an associative and physical manner so that the visito...

Kirsti Sivén & Asko Takala

Kotisatama Senior Co-housing

Helsinki, Finland, 2015

Kotisatama (meaning home port) is an owner-occupied housing community for middle-aged and elderly people in the Kalasatama redevelopment ...

Park Associati

Luxottica Digital Factory

Milan, イタリア, 2022

From energy to technology through architectural quality and experimentation. Milan is enhanced by a new intervention of industrial archi...

Park Associati

Valtorta 52

Milan, イタリア, 2022

Hard retrofitting for new flexible workplaces characterized by innovative materials. The project salvages and regenerates part of an off...


Karlstrasse 47

Munich, ドイツ, 2015

This six-story office building stands on a triangular lot in Munich’s central Maxvorstadt district. Independent yet integrative, it is a ...

BaO Architects

Daegu Library

Daegu Gosan, South Korea

Public libraries are, and have always been, pivotal elements of both social and urban landscapes. Their nature has been steadily evolving...

Lagranja Design

FOC Sentosa

Sentosa, Singapore, Singapur

At the end of 2014 Nandu Jubany, a Michelin Chef; Lagranja, Jordi Noguera, and Dario Nocentini, star mixologist, export the spirit of Bar...

Slade Architecture

Greene Street Loft

New York City, アメリカ, 2008

The existing space was a commercial/industrial loft space of about 3000SF/300m2. The historic front and back industrial wi...

FPA Franzina + Partners Architettura

Kipsala Complex

Rīga, Latvia

The project is located on Kipsala island, on the left side of river Daugava, in front of the old centre of Riga, with a total building ar...



Fukuyama, 日本, 2020

領域が伸縮するおおらかな環境 丘陵地を開発した郊外の住宅地に建つ家族4人の住まいである。周辺環境は、分譲地特有の縦横比をもった区画に対して平行に建てられた住宅群が画一的な風景をつくっている。敷地は北面道路に接道し、東西は坂道に沿った状態で隣地とは僅かな段差を伴っている。南...

ALG 建築照明計画株式会社


日本橋室町, 日本, 2018

AV62 arquitectos

National Museum of Afghanistan

Kabul, Afghanistan, 2012

The main purpose of the museum will be the training of people who could be active and conscious parts of their environment. To facilitate...

Marion Regitko Architects

Villa K.

Mijas, Spain, 2020

Design approach The design has been a collaboration between Marion Regitko Architects and UK based designers Soo Wilkinson & John Gra...

Steven Holl Architects

Institute for Contemporary Art, VCU

Richmond, アメリカ, 2018

Sited at the edge of the Virginia Commonwealth University campus in Richmond, Virginia, the new Institute for Contemporary Art links the ...

キューボデザイン 建築計画設計事務所


愛知県名古屋市, 日本, 2014

父娘が同居する住宅の計画。インテリアの要素を強く求められた住宅です。 玄関を入ってすぐに伸びやかで大きな吹抜けを設け、父娘の生活に適度な距離を持たせるバッファーゾーンとして機能させると同時に、スリット状の光を落とすことにより、舞台のような印象的な空間としてゲストと家人を迎え...

Schmidt Hammer Lassen

HU University of Applied Sciences

Utrecht, オランダ, 2018

The HU University of Applied Sciences, founded through a merger of independent Utrecht institutions, was previously dispersed throughout ...

Prol Lighting

Xinxiang Cultural Tourism Center

Xinxiang, China, 2021

The Fantasy adventure of Magic and The Frozen Xinxiang, known as Muye in ancient times, is one of the important cities in the Central Pl...

Bengo Studio

Qiyunshan Tree House

Xiuning, China, 2016

The Qiyun Mountain Tree House is located in the region of Xiuning County which is 33 kilometres south of Huangshan City, Anhui Province. ...



茨城県, 日本, 2011

敷地は南側ひな壇の郊外住宅地で、東南の角地である。建物本体は、街に自然と溶け込むように道路の傾斜に合わせてスキップフロアの平屋建てとし、ボリュームを抑え、全体を片流れの大屋根で覆った。  自然光の差し込む南側にはオープンなリビングダイニングと客間、北側にはプライベート...

Kjellander Sjöberg

Annedalsterrassen, Green housing development

Stockholm, Sweden, 2012

Green living between park and street The context is the urban development of Annedal, a new district with...

Various Associates

Voisin Organique Restaurant & Lounge

Shenzhen, China, 2019

Situated in Upper Hills, Futian District, Shenzhen, Voisin Organique is a farm-to-table restaurant features contemporary Chinese cuisine....

The Turett Collaborative

Townhouse Renovation for Open Elegant Space

New York, アメリカ, 2000

Expanding livable space appealing to modern aesthetics is a primary design challenge in townhouse renovation. In our renovation of this 6...

Graham Baba Architects

Cannabis Company Corporate Headquarters

Seattle, アメリカ, 2019

After working with Graham Baba Architects on a number of their branded retail concepts—it was time to improve their offices. As a leader ...

キューボデザイン 建築計画設計事務所


神奈川県鎌倉市, 日本, 2019

繊細な日本の建築美を意訳したフランス人アーティストのための住宅である。 年中観光客でにぎわう歴史ある古都・鎌倉。夏は海水浴客で賑わう有数の浜辺を眼下に、遠景に日本の象徴でもある富士山を臨む素晴らしいロケーションにこの住宅はある。 クライアントは、フランス出身のアーティ...

Egide Meertens Architecten

Woning L.-M.

Kapellen, ベルギー, 2021

In een doodlopende residentiële straat gaat deze woning in interactie met haar omgeving. Het ontwerp staat bescheiden in het groene kader...

Giuseppe Lunardini

Landscape Enhancement and Highway Museum

Salerno - Reggio Calabria Highway, イタリア

The project identifies a strategy for the use and management of land, a network for which the intervention is the strategic hub that can ...

MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects

Howard House

West Pennant, Canada, 1998

The modest house is a 12 foot wide, 110 foot long wall playing a didactic role within both the natural and cultural landscapes.  It ...

Chmelař architekti

Apartment house Nad Jelením potokem

Pec pod Sněžkou, Czech Republic, 2014

The plot is located in the II. zone of the Giant Mountains (Krkonoše) National Park. It is the only place of construction in this zone. T...



千葉県館山市, 日本, 2002

この建築は千葉県房総半島の南端、館山に位置する週末住宅である。丘陵地に位置し、眼下には美しい海を遠くに望む。裏側には緑豊かな山を控える。 配置は、海から山への軸線と直交方向に長く、海と山の眺望を最大限活かせるようにしている。半外部のバッファゾーンを設け、外部と内部を連...

Plasma Studio

Sunken Garden

Beijing, China, 2013

As one of the designer gardens of 2013 Beijing Horticultural Exposition, Sunken Garden is located in Fengtai Region of Beijing. The conce...

Praxis d'Architecture

Praxis d'Studio

Beijing, China, 2013

A space for thinking, a living room, a party place….with a wall of light….   The...

Olson Kundig

Hale Lana

Kona, アメリカ, 2018

This family retreat on Hawaii’s Big Island takes the form of several canopy-like pavilions dispersed around the site, linked by elevated ...



兵庫県尼崎市, 日本, 2019


CnT Architects

Myscape Courtyard

Hyderabad, インド, 2019

The Master Plan lays out a mosaic of plots, villas, tree lined boulevards, large and intimate landscaped zones, all hinged together by th...

DUTS Design Shanghai Office

Beijing Kids Town

Beijing, China, 2021

Infinite Mobius Ring--- Beijing Kids Town Children are our hope and future. The increasingly diversified children's activity space bring...

Dive Architects


Gärsnäs, Sweden, 2019

Gärsnäs is a Swedish furniture company based in the village of the same name. Founded in 1893 they have a long renowned tradition of timb...

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