
KI Studio

Hangzhou New CBD Foreshore Park

Hangzhou, China, 2006

The site encompasses an area of approximately 37 hectares along the foreshore of the Qiantang River to be used as a multi-function park a...

KI Studio

SWRL, Glenfield to Leppington Rail Line -…

Leppington, Australia, 2015

KI Studio, with assistance of AMBS, heritage consultants, developed the art and heritage strategy for the overall project. The design re...


Swarovski Crystal Landscape „Place to be“

Wattens , Austria, 2008

In Zusammenhang mit dem Swarovski-Schleier in Wattens ist gleichzeitig ein fließender Außenraum mit Sitzmöglichkeiten, Leuchtpads und ein...

Bernd L. Göllnitz Bildgestaltung

Urbane Architektur in Vaduz

Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 2015

Levin Monsigny Landschaftsarchitekten

Togostraße Green Corridor

Berlin, Germany, 2015

The promenade is the first stage of an urban bicycle and open space link that will eventually run from Zeppelinplatz to Nachtigallplatz i...

Susumu Matsushita Architecture & Lighting Design Labo.

Fukuroda Falls

Ibaraki, Japan, 2015

We were in charge of the lighting plan for the illumination of Fukuroda Falls, one of the three most famous waterfalls in Japan. The scen...

STGK Inc. | studio gen kumagai

Aeon Mall

Wakayama, Japan, 2014

AEON is the largest retailing group in Japan and AEON MALL is one of its core companies. AEON MALL Wakayama is located in between Kitan-c...


Yin Ma Chuan of the Great Wall

Beijing, China, 2016

Yin Ma Chuan of the Great Wall – The Seeking the Happiness of Mother Earth Area is the first cultural resort at the foot of the Great Wal...

Rkitekts, Epaminondas Daskalakis & Associates

S Residence (PR2)

Pachia Rachi, Greece, 2004

Janet Rosenberg & Studio

Riverwalk Commons

Newmarket, Canada, 2012

Antón Landschaft

Dreispitz-Brüglingen, Planung eines…

Basel, Switzerland

Dreispitz-Brüglingen, Planung eines Fussgängerübergangs

Antón Landschaft

Hotel Park and Seeallee

Heiden, Switzerland, 2021

Ziel dieses Architekturwettbewerbs war es, das Quartier rund um die Seeallee mit einem qualitativ hochwertigen Freiraum umzusetzen, indem...


Soyoo Joyful Growth Center

Zhengzhou, China, 2015

At Soyoo children choose their journey through different colored “tube” pathways cut through the rigid layout of the existing building. ...

parbat landschaftsarchitektur

Alters- & Pflegezentrum Stiftung Drei Tannen

Wald ZH, Switzerland, 2016-20

Das Projekt `Bonbon` für das neue Alters- und Pflegezentrum in Wald ging als Siegerprojekt aus einem Wettbewerb hervor. Das neue Altersze...

parbat landschaftsarchitektur

Pflegeheim Sankt Otmar

St.Gallen, Switzerland, 2016

Der Neubau Alterswohnungen St. Otmar fügt sich als Solitär in die heterogene Gruppe von Pflegeheim, Schulhaus St. Otmar und den bestehend...

parbat landschaftsarchitektur

Wohnüberbauung 'Hintere Wühre'

Appenzell, Switzerland, 2015

Das Projekt ‚Hintere Wühre’ ging aus einem Studienauftrag hervor. Auf der ehemaligen Parzelle mit Bauernhaus, südlich angrenzend an das D...


Bay Remediation Site: 2

Sausalito, USA

Horseshoe Cove, located along the San Francisco Bay, is the historical site for a new highly visible public infrastructure project that p...


Transbay Block 1

San Francisco, USA

Transbay Block 1 at 160 Folsom Street is a mixed-use and residential development at the heart of San Francisco and directly adjacent to t...


Magdeburger Hafen: Kaimauer

Hamburg, Germany, 2011

Vom Jungfernstieg zieht sich eine zentrale Achse in die HafenCity mit direktem Zugang zur Elbe – dem Magdeburger Hafen. Dieser entwickelt...

r+b landschaft s architektur

Hausgarten D.

Dresden, Germany, 2005

Das 2.800 m² große Grundstück befindet sich circa 11 km östlich des Dresdner Stadtzentrums unmittelbar an den Elbhängen und entwickelt si...

r+b landschaft s architektur

Propsteikirche St. Trinitatis

Leipzig, Germany, 2015

Das Planungsgebiet befindet sich in einem städtebaulichen Umfeld, das im Norden durch das dicht bebaute Stadtzentrum und die Grünanlagen ...

r+b landschaft s architektur

Stadtmuseum im Alten Landhaus

Dresden, Germany, 2007

Der Entwurf entwickelt sich aus dem Kontext historischer und moderner Bezüge, welche dem Ort seine Identität zurückbringt. Der Museumsgar...

r+b landschaft s architektur

Grüngürtel Duisburg-Nord Bruckhausen

Duisburg, Germany, 2015

Der Park befindet sich an der Nahtstelle zwischen schwerindustriellen Anlagen von Thyssen Krupp Steel im Westen, Norden und Osten und dem...

r+b landschaft s architektur

Staatliche Realschule

Memmingen, Germany, 2010

Die Außenanlagen für den Neubau der staatlichen Realschule gliedern sich in drei Bereiche, den durch das Gebäude gefassten Pausenhof, den...


Seaforth House

Sydney, Australia, 2014

Ross Barney Architects

The Chicago Riverwalk

Chicago, USA, 2015

The Main Branch of the Chicago River has a long and storied history that in many ways mirrors the development of Chicago itself. Once a m...


Ningbo Urban Planning Exhibition Center

Ningbo, China, 2019

Shortly after the successful collaboration for the German Pavilion at the Expo 2010 in Shanghai, the two practices playze and Schmidhuber...

Miralles/Tagliabue - EMBT

Hafencity public spaces

Hamburg, Germany, 2007

The community overseeing the development of the Port of Hamburg set up a competition to regenerate and urbanize the shores of the River E...

Mamen Domingo | Ernest Ferré Arquitectes

Villa Joana

Reus, Spain, 2004

At Villa Joana, few but thought-operations completely change the configuration of both the existing dwelling and its immediate surroundin...

Forgas Arquitectes

Cims de Montjuïc/ Montjuïc Heights. Passeig del…

Barcelona, Spain, 2004-2015

Cims de Montjuïc-Montjuïc Heights is a project and an overall concept of the high part of the mountain, promoting Montjuïc as the centra...

Erik Dhont Landscape Architects

536 Crematorium Aalst

Aalst, Belgium, 2018

The landscape vision for the Siesegem crematorium is a spatial reflection on what it is that accompanies separation from a loved one. It ...

Erik Dhont Landscape Architects

389 Normandy

France, 2009

This estate in Normandy belongs to an 18th-century manor with some outbuildings that have been transformed into guests’ quarters. Between...

Erik Dhont Landscape Architects

351 Damme

Belgium, 2013

This is a project involving the rural restoration of a restored farm in one of Belgium’s most beautiful pieces of countryside. Among othe...

Erik Dhont Landscape Architects

280 Roeselaere

Belgium, 2007

One of the prime points of departure in this project was the reclamation of the bricks from the demolished farm. We have piled these up t...

Erik Dhont Landscape Architects

279 Azores

Azores, Portugal, 2009

This garden near a new lodging is found on a cliff surrounded by sea on all sides. Previously the ground was a vineyard and it was covere...

Erik Dhont Landscape Architects

258 Malibu

Los Angeles, USA, 2007

The site is beside the ocean. The owners are art collectors and besides the revamping of the garden they wished to create spaces to place...

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