
on 01-06-2020

Size of warehouse space the biggest property investment firm, Prologis, owns and manages: 90 square kilometers (or 1.5 Manhattans) René Ammann

on 25-05-2020

Number of people arrested in the Albanian capital of Tirana for protesting against the demolition of the 80-year-old National Theatre: 37 René Ammann

on 18-05-2020

Year in which the Chinese government decided erecting skyscrapers over 500 meters are "not allowed" and buildings over 250 meters should be "strictly... René Ammann

on 20-04-2020

Estimated number of people living in shared households in large American cities that will play a vital role in how the country copes... René Ammann

on 16-03-2020

Share of the cost of a new home in the United States being eaten up by regulatory burdens, impact fees, taxes, and the costs of delays: 24% René Ammann

on 09-03-2020

Number of slave dwellings across the United States that preservation architect Jobie Hill has registered so far in the René Ammann

on 17-02-2020

Number of historical architectural icons in and around Cairo, Egypt, explored in a... René Ammann

on 27-01-2020

Estimated number of co-working spaces that have opened worldwide since the boom started 15 years ago: 35,000 René Ammann

on 17-11-2019

Estimated share buildings contribute to global greenhouse gas emissions: 40% René Ammann

on 11-11-2019

Share of households in Afghanistan that consist of one person only: 0.19% (For the sake of comparison, the same statistic in the USA is 27.45%, in Switzerland is 37.51%, and in Germany is 39.53%.) René Ammann

on 07-10-2019

Share of the 200 cities with 100,000 or more people — such as Dhaka, Hong Kong, Kinshasa, and Minneapolis-St. Paul — tracked by the Urban Expansion Program at New York University... René Ammann

on 16-09-2019

Number of villas the Saudi Arabian government will build for $633 million (€572 million) on a 2.4-square-mile (6.3 km2) area in the Taif region east of Mecca in the south of... René Ammann

on 08-09-2019

Estimated number of the 2.4 million eviction cases filed in the United States in 2016 (the latest data available via The Eviction Lab) that were completed: 900,000 René Ammann

on 20-05-2019

Amount a construction worker in the devastated Iraqi city of Mosul is paid per day: $12.50 (€11.20) René Ammann

on 13-05-2019

Price of a niche for an urn in a private columbarium "in the best position" in Hong Kong: €204,000 ($229,000)  René Ammann

on 19-04-2019

Number of years the fabled Bauhaus school — founded 100 years ago this month by Walter Gropius — existed, having moved from the German city of Weimar to Dessau and finally to... René Ammann

on 25-02-2019

Number of new buildings of around 10 stories being built near the Acropolis in Athens that have sparked protests (and a petition with more than 22,000 signees) over the René Ammann

on 03-12-2018

Monthly rent for an unfurnished, temporary 420-square-foot (39-square-meter) tiny home in the Dutch city of Rotterdam: €417 ($473) René Ammann

on 26-11-2018

Number of years it took Ahmedabad, an Indian city containing 6 million people, to acquire land for and build a 76-kilometer ring road: 4 years René Ammann

on 22-10-2018

Year when the term "social design" — the design of relationships, including those that are invisible and intangible ― fully entered the lexicon: 2006 René Ammann

on 01-10-2018

Lifespan of one of the 106 avant-garde houses built by Brad Pitt’s non-profit Make It Right organization in New Orleans that was recently demolished due to shoddy construction: 7 years René Ammann

on 24-09-2018

Share of Singapore's population living in Housing and Development Board (HBD) public housing flats sold with 99-year leases, most built in the 1960s and... René Ammann

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