House Vilvoorde

Vilvoorde, Beļģija, 2020

A fire had heavily damaged this terraced house. The client opted for a thorough renovation, according to passive standards and by us...

passive penthouse, brussels

Beļģija, 2018

This compact but spacious home in the dense urban fabric was obtained by transforming an unused attic into a passive duplex penthouse. Re...

House Bruges

Bruges, Beļģija, 2016

Two disused 17th-century houses on a protected brewery site in the centre of Bruges were rebuilt into a family home (with retail ...

House Aartrijke

Aartrijke, Beļģija, 2016

The former farmhouse is situated in an agricultural area. The typology of the existing building was used in a contemporary way to...

Social housing Eeklo

Eeklo, Beļģija, 2016

The project is part of the social neighbourhood Boelare - Blommekens. The extension consists of a three storey building with multi-family...

House Gentbrugge

Ghent , Beļģija, 2012

The rear structure of the terraced house was in poor condition. We replaced the structure with a new beam-shaped residential volume. A we...

Community centre Westvleteren

Vleteren, Beļģija, 2011

We were asked to design two community centres in the municipality of Vleteren, Belgium. The old school of Westvleteren and the ol...

Community centre Woesten

Vleteren , Beļģija, 2011

We were asked to design two community centres in the municipality of Vleteren, Belgium. The old school of Westvleteren and the ol...

Recording studio Gentbrugge

Ghent , Beļģija, 2011

A former carpenters’ shed, centrally located within a block of houses, is converted into a private recording studio (Number Nine St...

House Brussel

Brussel Sint-Gillis, Beļģija, 2010

This duplex apartment is on the third and fourth floor of an apartment building in the centre of Brussels. Several separate small rooms o...

House Bruges

Bruges , Beļģija, 2010

The protected building houses a pharmacy and home since the 17th century. The need for more space in the pharmacy demanded an ext...

House Varsenare

Varsenare , Beļģija, 2002

The building should both be the face of a graphic and photography studio, while discreetly integrating with the structures behind...